
北美票房 > 愛情啊愛情

Jun 19-21 US Box Office Top 10

10.魔鬼終結者:未來救贖 Terminator: Salvation
9.Imagine That
8.失落之地 Land of the Lost
7.星際爭霸戰 Star Trek
6.博物館驚魂夜2 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
5.亡命快劫 The Taking of Pelham 123
4.Year One

3.天外奇蹟 Up
2.醉後大丈夫 The Hangover
1.愛情限時簽 The Proposal

opening this weekend
《變形金剛:復仇之戰》Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
《姐姐的守護者》My Sister's Keeper
